21 March 2015

[Download] Morphology Books as References

Morphology is an insteresting and challenging subject to learn and teach. I've heard many complaints from students who learn this subject. I myself find it difficult to understand because there are too many terms to understand. I choose Katamba's book to use as a reference in teaching because of the good explanation.

But in this article I will not share the ebook of Katamba's book because I don't have it hahaha. What I want to share to you is two books that I use as additional references (or let say supplement heheh) in learning and teaching morphology. They are Introducing Morphology and What is Morphology.

For students, Katamba's book may be difficult to understand (some students who try to read it told me) but these two books are different. The explanation is easy to understand and many examples are given. In What is Morphology book, we also can find examples of Indonesian words. You know, not many books include our language as the examples heheh.

Happy downloading and enjoy the reading ;)

Introducing Morphology >>>> click here

What is Morphology >>>> click here

*wait for 5 seconds and then click the SKIP AD (or LEWATI) on the top right corner

Let me know if the link is broken

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